Parashara's Light 9.0 (Windows) is now available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi
Parashara's Light 9.0 (Mac) is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi.
Anka Jyotish in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada & Telugu.
Vedic Vaastu is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.
Parashara's Light 9.0
It features a wealth of calculations, charts, tables, and interpretive reports.
Parashara's Light
Android Version
It is the ultimate and the most innovative Vedic Astrology Software for mobile phones & tablets! .
Vedic Vaastu 2.0
Traditional Vaastu for Modern Builds!
Anka Jyotish
Anka Jyotish software is for predictions based on numerological calcuations.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf 1.2
Vedic Bookshelf is a classical Vedic Library at your fingertips.
Shri Muhurta
Automatically finds the most favorable time and date for any occasion.
Generate your Birth Star, Birth Chart, Mangala Dosha, Compatibility and Gem Recommendation Reports
Free and Instantly
from Instant Reports section on
Muhurta (electional astrology)
This is the only software with an interactive Muhurta feature.
This means you can step through time, day by day, and instantly see how the muhurta chart
becomes auspicious or inauspicious for starting the event.
You now have:
- Support for a "pick list" of candidate muhurta dates
- Support for viewing dashas based on the Muhurta chart (any dasha system)
- Total integration of the Muhurta screen into the worksheet concept allows you to customize the information you want to use for the selection of the Muhurta
- All calculations in the worksheets that were available for the birth chart are now available for Muhurta as well, i.e. Shad Bala, Vimshopaka bala, house cusps.
- Multiple worksheets can be configured for Muhurta selection, and you can switch around with a single key stroke.
For more specialized and All-Inclusive Muhurta's, check out
Shri Muhurta!