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Parashara's Light > Features > Interpretations > Planet Summary Report

The Planet Summary page is based on a highly authentic model of interpreting the effect of the planets in the chart. This page presents all major calculations relevant to the planet, in a way that the interpretation is consistent and clear. In the limited space we have here, we will give an example based on Mars in Narendra Modi's chart.

What you see here is the screen that you get when you click on Mars in Modi's chart. We chose Mars because it rules the 1st house, and should be revealing of his personality.

The first section, labeled Strength, tells us that Mars is pretty strong (131% of what is required) and is one of the strongest planet of all. According to the classics, that means that Mars will be able to fully manifest the areas of life it governs.

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The second section, Auspiciousness, summarizes several indications of how Mars will behave on the scale from very harmful to very auspicious.

The third section, Importance, reveals how much this planet is connected to the Ascendant, Moon and Sun.

The fourth section, Qualities, helps us understand in what specific manner Mars will act.

All of the calculations listed here, some of which may be new to you, are hyperlinked to the tutorial, so you can easily read more about them.

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