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Parashara's Light 9.0

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Parashara's Light > Features > Tools > Change Location Tool

Change Location Tool

Interactively Change Locations!

The Change Location tool allows one to change the birth location interactively: All charts and tables on the worksheet will instantly be recalculated according to the location on the map you click on.

The curves drawn on the map show where each of the 12 signs was rising at the time of birth. When you move the mouse cursor over the map, the corresponding ascendant and ascending degree for that location is shown instantly above that map. In other words, you don't need to click or change the birthchart to quickly find out what Ascendant was rising anywhere. Merely moving the mouse around will help you out.

To look at the transits for a long period of time without great detail but along with the birth chart, use the Animated Transits.

Note that the same effect cannot so easily be achieved by editing the city in the birthdata: that would require changing the timezone and daylight saving correction to the original values every time you change the coordinates).

Because this tool will update any chart or table you place on the worksheet, it is more powerful and versatile than it may seem. For example, you can use it in conjunction with the Shadbala graph to find out where on Earth a particular planet is the strongest. Or use it to locate a more auspicious Dasamsha chart (the divisional chart for profession) in your area.

You may also use it for the purpose of finding the most auspicious location to start the year. Since the moment of the exact solar return is fixed, your location at that time will determine the Ascendant of the solar return chart

Navigation enhancements

  • The world level map is much larger than before, which allows you to see a lot more detail, and allows unlimited zoom in. Click the Zoom in button to zoom in on the focal point (indicated by a red cross), and press Zoom out to zoom out again.
  • The focal point can be changed without updating the chart calculations. Just click anywhere on the map, and the focal point will change to that location. The map will be centered on that point, so this is a very intuitive way to navigate around (sideways). If you shift-click, the map will zoom in, and if you Ctrl-click the map will zoom out. Only when your click the "Update chart" button, the natal chart will be relocated to the focal point.
  • The change place tool now supports very large map previews. Regardless of your monitor size, you can get a screen filling map! Just select the desired map size from the map size list at the center top of the tool (the illustration has 800x600 selected).
  • As you zoom in on any continent or country, there will often be more detailed, local maps for that region, allowing you to see the exact boundaries of the signs, relative to cities and other geographical details.
  • The listbox that is next to the Zoom out button lets you select cities from a list of cities that are placed on this map. This is very practical, as such cities are usually the only options considered for relocation.

Calculation enhancements

  • Not only Rashi boundaries, but also Navamsha boundaries are shown. Given the important use of Navamshas in Vedic astrology, this is a great way to be more specific in your evaluation of the auspiciousness of specific regions. For example, when a person has exalted Jupiter in the Navamsha, you would consider all Cancer Navamsha zones especially favorable for spiritual growth and general well-being. This allows a lot more choices as compared to only using Lagna zones or only planetary lines. In fact, it substitutes for planetary lines in a powerful way: just consider the Navamsha line a planet is in, and you get 9 zones instead of 1 line!
  • The change place tool can be used for the birthchart (relocation) but also for special muhurtas. For example, you could use it to look for a favorable place to celebrate your birthday! Just select the desired chart from the listbox at the top right to change between the Birthchart, Muhurta or animated transits as the basis.

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