RELEASED Parashara's Light 9.0 (Windows)   is now available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi      Parashara's Light 9.0 (Mac)   is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi.      Anka Jyotish  in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada & Telugu.      Vedic Vaastu  is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.
Astrology Softwares

Parashara's Light 9.0

It features a wealth of calculations, charts, tables, and interpretive reports.

Parashara's Light
Android Version

It is the ultimate and the most innovative Vedic Astrology Software for mobile phones & tablets! .

Vedic Vaastu 2.0

Traditional Vaastu for Modern Builds!

Anka Jyotish

Anka Jyotish software is for predictions based on numerological calcuations.

Vedic Astrology Bookshelf 1.2

Vedic Bookshelf is a classical Vedic Library at your fingertips.

Shri Muhurta

Automatically finds the most favorable time and date for any occasion.

Generate your Birth Star, Birth Chart, Mangala Dosha, Compatibility and Gem Recommendation Reports
Free and Instantly
from Instant Reports section on

Parashara's Light 9.0 - Worksheet Enhancements

  • There are 300 worksheets in the program & 100 have been predesigned for you. Locating and maneuvering between the worksheets is easy and fast, through the use of menus, favorites, short cut keys, and more.
  • An incredible array of new cells is available for the worksheet, from charts to tables to graphs. Because of the totally flexible way that you can combine the content, charts and vargas for a given cell, the number of different cells runs over 10,000. It is a dream come true for people averse of limitations.
  • Additional worksheet sizes are possible, which is great for anyone with a screen larger than 800x600.
  • The change time and change place tool can be "fixed" to any particular worksheet. The change time tool has many new features, including the ability to animate any chart
  • Each worksheet has an (editable) title for easy access

Two people's charts & tables in the same worksheet

You can also place a second person's birth chart, dashas, or any of the divisional or specialty charts right along side your own chart on the worksheet. It is highly useful for a potential partnership evaluation and predictive consideration of various matters that involve two people/subjects.

Narendra Modi / India Example

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In this example layout, the top row contains Narendra Modi's rashi chart on the left and India's chart on the right (highlighted in yellow). The row below displays corresponding dashas. Modi's Vimshottari dashas are on the left and India's are on the right.

The advantage of this convenient layout is the ability to evaluate both parties' charts simultaneously, without having to switch from one screen to another. For example, you can see that Modi is running a dasha of the 9th Lord and India is running a Maha dasha cycle of the 3rd lord, which is Moon in both the cases.

Composite Charts

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Another highly useful addition to the program is a composite chart feature. You can superimpose any two charts on each other right on the worksheet with just two clicks of the mouse. This technique uses sidereal positions of the planets, it should not be confused with the one employed in Tropical/Western Zodiac. This composite chart format makes it easy to observe planetary influences and correlations between two charts.

You are looking at the Transit Chart superimposed over Amitabh Bachchan's birth chart. The outer wheel is the Transit chart and the inner is Amitabh Bachchan's. The numbers outside of the outer chart represent rashis/signs - 4 stands for Cancer, 5 for Leo, and so on.

Experiment with different combinations - You can­ choose from birth chart, transits, varshphal, vargas and even mix charts of two different people. The possibilities are endless.

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