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Vedic Vaastu > Features > Calculation > Direction Tilt Consideration

Direction Tilt Consideration

This is another unique feature of the software as it allows a choice of three different methods to consider direction tilt: Best fit, Compress fit and Zero tilt. Our learned users will be amazed by the in depth dimension added to Vaastu layouts that emerges out of the combination of Vaastu grid methods and direction tilt considerations.

Once you have fixed the direction of the property, in reference to north, you have to select between different approaches by clicking on the Options Menu > Calculation Options which opens a window displaying the various options for consideration of the direction tilt while drawing the Vaastu grid cells on the property shape.

Let us now elaborate on the three types of tilt considerations. Vedic Vaastu allows you to choose from any one of three methods to determine the direction tilt of the Vaastu grid. Please note that for properties having all the sides perfectly aligned to their respective directions, the following three options will give the same result.

Best Fit

The Best Fit method has been derived from the ancient classic Vaastu Vidya. According to this, the best fit tilt direction method, which is generally used for Ekasheetipada Trikona Vaastu or Ekasheetipada Vrita Vaastu can be applied with equal ease to Ekasheetipada Rectangular Vaastu.

The deity pada allocation generally used in the ekasheetipada system (considering zero degree north) has been kept intact, and the available area for all the directions has been allocated equally. Consequently all the four directions and the four cardinal directions find their proper place on the property super imposition. The grid is drawn concentrically with 32 padas in the outermost periphery, 24 in the second, 16 in the third, 8 in the fourth and 1 pada in the core. No pada has been excluded. The padas in the concentric rectangles are also intact, in as much as that the respective deities have been placed in their individual positions.

This is one of the most scientific approaches to draw a Vaastu grid (when the north angle is deviated from its natural position), because of the following:

a. All the directions have been given equal weightage. This is in tandem with the universe where all the directions occupy an equal span.
b. All the ekasheetipada deities have been assigned their due position based on the direction.
c. All the eighty one padas have been retained (when there is no cut or extension in the property) and consequently, there is no loss of padas.
d. This method has been inspired from the ancient Vedic Vaastu classics.

It may be noted that the results will vary if we consider a property with an extension or cut, depending on whether we have chosen the circumscribed, inscribed or actual plot area options for vaastu grid drawing. So, here we need to relate this to the various options for the Vaastu Grid area individually.

Compress Fit

This is one of the simpler approaches to draw a Vaastu grid (when the north angle is deviated from its natural position). Here, all the ekasheetipada deities have been assigned their due position based on the direction. All the eighty one padas have been retained (when there is no cut or extension in the property) and consequently, there is no loss of padas.

A largest inscribed rectangle is drawn within the assigned property area, considering the north angle deviation. The Vaastu grid is drawn length wise and breadth wise to make up the 9x9 = 81 cell grid. The Vaastu padas, which lie on the outer periphery of the rectangle can optionally be stretched to include the area on their respective sides. In this method, the span of the directions is unequal depending on the north angle deviation degree.

Zero Tilt

The Zero Tilt method works on the assumption that the north direction is not deviated from the central position of its respective side. So, the tilt consideration is limited to a 90 degree span.

This implies that if the tilt angle is within the range of +45 degrees and –45 degrees of the 0 degree North compass needle, it will be treated as though there is no deviation in the north angle. If the tilt angle is within the range of 45 to 135 degree, then the north is uniformly considered to be deviated by 90 degrees. Similarly, if the tilt angle is within the range of 135 to 225 degree, then the north is uniformly considered to be deviated by 180 degrees. Lastly, if the tilt angle is within the range of 225 to 315 (-45) degree, then the north is uniformly considered to be deviated by 270 degrees.

The padas of the grid are drawn with 9 cells length wise and 9 cells breadth wise to make up the 81 cell grid. Here we need to relate this to the various options for the Vaastu Grid area.

The Direction Indicator Compass shows all the four directions and can be optionally displayed on the backdrop of your plot or entity layout.

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