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Summary Score
Vedic Vaastu has adopted a two pronged strategy to assign weightage leading to the final Vaastu
Compatibility score - General Evaluation and Individual Entity Evaluation.
General Evaluation:
Our life is sensitive to not only the environment and the ambience around it, but also to the structure
and design of the residence we live in and the type and topography of the plot on which it is built. So,
the ambit of this evaluation includes plot shape, plot extension, rectangular plot dimension ratio, open
space, road-side, house facing direction, Brahmasthan status, and basement plot size ratio.
Individual Entity Evaluation:
Next we evaluate the specific details and positioning of entities or different components of the layout. It
is important that any room or entity is placed in such a manner that it not only fulfils its basic purpose
(shelter), but also facilitates the proper performance of dharma (righteous duties), artha (attainment of
material wealth, power and progress) and kaama (fulfillment of desires). So, we have given a weightage
allocation to each functional entity. For different floors we have listed the compatibility
score individually.
A combination of the above leads to the final score.