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Parashara's Light 9.0 (Mac) is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi.
Anka Jyotish in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada & Telugu.
Vedic Vaastu is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.
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Vaastu Grid Methods
With due respect to vaastu practitioners following different methods of grid placement,
the software supports a choice of three different methods to draw Vaastu grid - Circumscribed,
Inscribed and Actual plot area with or without pada extension feature.
This is a unique feature in as much as it makes it so easy to switch between different
methods and assess the best suited grid placement as per the plot shape and individual
preference without compromising with the Vaastu rules. Optional outer
pada extension feature has also been provided.
You can choose from any one of three methods to determine the placement of the Vaastu grid.
Please note that for perfect square and perfect rectangular property shapes, the following three
options will give the same result. This option is useful when the property shape is not a perfect
square or a perfect rectangle.
Largest Circumscribed rectangle
This is the preferred option of vaastu specialists , who believe that if a property is not a perfect
rectangle, then a hypothetical rectangle inclusive of the property area should be considered for
placement of vaastu grid. Although the name assigned to this method contains the word rectangle,
this method can be used for all property shapes including those that have extensions or cuts of any
ratio or proportion.
To understand this better, we should take a bird’s eye view of the property.
A largest possible rectangle is circumscribed over the property shape. This rectangle covers the entire
property area and in addition, the area which would have been a part of the property had the property been
a perfect square or a perfect rectangle in shape.
The Vaastu grid is drawn on this circumscribed rectangle.
The Vaastu padas, which lie beyond the periphery of the actual property shape, are considered to be missing.
In this method we take into consideration only those padas, which fall within the boundary of the actual
property shape.
The advantage of this method is that padas are awarded a proportionate space in the grid. The disadvantage
of this method is that depending on the property shape, many padas may get excluded.
Largest Inscribed rectangle
This is the preferred option of vaastu specialists who believe that if a property is not a perfect rectangle,
then a hypothetical rectangle drawn within the property area should be considered for placement of vaastu
grid. Although the name assigned to this method contains the word rectangle, this method can be used for all
property shapes including those that have extensions or cuts of any ratio or proportion.
To understand this better, we should take a bird’s eye view of the property.
A largest possible rectangle is inscribed within the property boundary.
The Vaastu grid is drawn on this rectangle.
The Vaastu padas, which lie on the outer periphery of the rectangle, can then be optionally stretched to
include the area of extension on their respective sides.
In this method we take into consideration all the padas and simply increase the area covered by the padas,
which lie adjacent to the extended property area not covered by the largest possible rectangle drawn by
us at the first level. So, here the outer periphery padas occupy a greater area.
The disadvantage of this method is that depending on the property shape, the rectangular grid area may at
times be very small and the peripheral padas may be disproportionately bigger as compared to the other padas.
The advantage is that no pada gets excluded.
Actual Plot Shape
This method can be adopted for properties that have four sides only. The area under consideration is the
actual property shape area. No extensions or cuts are considered in this method. Unlike largest
circumscribed rectangle, we do not include any additional area while drawing the Vaastu grid. No pada is
excluded or extended in this method. Consequently all the four directions and the four cardinal directions
find their proper place on the property super imposition. In this method, any direction tilt variation is
not reflected by a tilt of the grid. If the direction tilt exceeds 45 degrees, in that case, the
direction Tilt indicator points to another side of the property.
There is one disadvantage in the Actual Plot Shape method. When the property shape is not very close to a
square or rectangle, some of the padas get squeezed up due to space limitations, while others get stretched
Here are a few examples of Actual Plot Area for Rhombus, Goumukhi and square shaped properties.
The program also has a provision to show the starting point and ending point of Ekasheeti padas in terms of measuring units. Placing the mouse pointer at any point of the pada indicates the exact position in the Current Position field in the right end of the top menu bar. This comes in very useful while designing the layout and placing entities and objects.