Parashara's Light 9.0 (Windows) is now available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi
Parashara's Light 9.0 (Mac) is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi.
Anka Jyotish in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada & Telugu.
Vedic Vaastu is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.
Parashara's Light 9.0
It features a wealth of calculations, charts, tables, and interpretive reports.
Parashara's Light
Android Version
It is the ultimate and the most innovative Vedic Astrology Software for mobile phones & tablets! .
Vedic Vaastu 2.0
Traditional Vaastu for Modern Builds!
Anka Jyotish
Anka Jyotish software is for predictions based on numerological calcuations.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf 1.2
Vedic Bookshelf is a classical Vedic Library at your fingertips.
Shri Muhurta
Automatically finds the most favorable time and date for any occasion.
Generate your Birth Star, Birth Chart, Mangala Dosha, Compatibility and Gem Recommendation Reports
Free and Instantly
from Instant Reports section on
Model Printing
Vedic Vaastu allows the user to select from a pre-organized set of printouts, called ‘Models’, or
to make customised set of printouts. The program comes with an all colored set of beautifully designed
printouts. The colors and enhanced visual effects make the reports a piece of art!
New models can be created and existing models can be easily edited also. The models can be printed to a
pdf file also.
The program allows you to print large size maps also. When the printer dialog comes up, you can select the paper size according to your requirement and supported by the printer.
You can customize your printout by choosing from a wide array of Printing Options. You can decide where you wish to indicate the auspiciousness indicator in the printout. If you do not wish to display this, you can do so, by simply not checking any of the available options. This print preference can be different from your screen preference. Entity Name, Ekasheetipada Grid, Direction Indicator, Marma Sthaan, Ekasheetipada Grid, Intercardinal Directions: You can decide whether to display or hide any of these on the report printout. Here also, you can choose different options from the screen display. For instance, the Ekasheetipada grid may be displayed on the screen while you design the layout. But you can hide it in the Print Options so that your layout Printout does not look too cluttered.