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Vedic Vaastu > Features > Tools > MarmaSthaan Indicator

Marma Sthaan Indicator

Vedic Vaastu supports the indication of the Marma sthaan bindus on the layout. Marmas are the vital energy points of Vaastu and are derived from the intersection of the six diagonals in the Ekasheeti pada mandal. Accurate calculation of the marma bindus in the software is very significant, in as much as it is very difficult to plot the same on an actual plot manually. There is an added provision to see the exact position of the marma sthaan bindu in terms of measuring units. Placing the mouse pointer over the Marma Sthaan indicates the tentative position in the Current Position field in the right end of the Toolbar. This comes in very useful while designing the layout and placing entities and objects.

The program also supports an option to display or hide the Marma Sthaan bindus on the screen or the report printout. This is possible through the Display and Print sub options in the Options menu.

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