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Vedic Vaastu > Features > User Interface > Worksheet Layout

Intuitive and Elegant User Interface

The worksheet contains the Layout, which can be either in the Plot mode or the Entity mode.

In the Plot mode, the Property Layout is displayed on the screen. You will see an Entity Explorer on the left side of the screen. The Entities have been categorized under different groups. You can choose to display any particular group of entities or All Entities according to your preference. The entities will also be displayed as per the Vaastu category.

In the Entity mode, the Entity Layout is displayed on the screen, you will see the Objects Explorer on the side of the screen. The Objects have been categorized under different groups. You can choose to display any particular group of objects or All Objects according to your preference.

The Ekasheetipada grid with pada nos. is also visible in both the modes.

Apart from this, a Direction Indicator, indicating all the four directions shows up in the background of the layout.

When an Entity or Object is selected, its placement is displayed in an Auspiciouness Indicator window, which gets automatically updated as you move the entity or object in your quest for a favorable placement.

A Vaastu Assistant is also available on screen and acts as a ready reckoner.

The standard Tool Bar helps identify and use the various options through easily recognizable icons and their descriptions. It is displayed just below the Main menu.

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Property Layout and Entity Layout screen and displays the values pertaining to the current status of the Entity or Object that has been selected in terms of the following. Some other property related information like Direction tilt, Vaastu grid consideration etc. is also available here. The facility to switch to some different option is also available here.

Fully Customizable

The layout and content of the worksheet can easily be completely customized. The Tool Bar allows easy navigation between the Plot and Entity modes.

Undo Redo Feature

The program supports the undo and redo feature from the Edit Menu. You can undo or redo your layout designing actions up to an unlimited number of times in one session. The Ctrl Z and Ctrl Y shortcuts can also be used to Undo and Redo respectively.

All the other components mentioned above can be selectively displayed with an option for different preferential settings. This feature alone makes Vedic Vaastu incredibly flexible and useful.

With the possibility of selecting what you wish to display on the screen and with the option to design your own printouts, you can completely tailor the program to serve your personal needs.

Worksheet Help

Online Help at every stage of the Data entry and layout designing process is there to help you get accustomed to this. It is ever so easy to customize your worksheet according to your preference! Any of the worksheets can be printed out as well!

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