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Worksheet Content - Tables
Let's have a closer look at the many Charts, Tables and Graphs that
are available under the tables menu. First of all, note that the Tables are organized in
smaller groups of related content, which is very helpful in locating tables. Each group
(except the first one) has a title, i.e. " ---Planet details--- ". The more frequently
used groups of tables are generally placed higher up.
To locate any specific table, it works best to screen through the list to pick out
the group that fits best. For example, if you are looking for the "Sarva Chancha Chakra",
which is part of the ashtakavarga system, it makes best sense to look in the group titled
The basic chart (without planetary degrees or nakshatras indicated next to the planets). In PL7, you can show a selection of 8 kinds of information around the border: Daghdha Rashis, House cusps, Ashtakavarga, House significations, Bhava bala, House names and number, and signs. The chart with degrees, and optionally, Daghdha Rashis, House cusps, Ashtakavarga, House significations, Bhava bala, House names and number, and signs. Also you can color code the planets according to their functional benefic nature. Examples |
Ashtakavarga | Daghdha Rashi | House Cusp | House Numbers | Degrees & Nakshatra | Color coding according to functional nature |
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